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BIG BIG NEWS !!! This version 2.1 is awesome!

The game is now fully translated in French!
And it can be translated in any language!

An update of the framework Dina has been made to implement the translation.

In version 2.0, with a BIG help of The_Runner_01, we can announce you that the game is finished.

I didn't had time to animate the ship and the character.
This development is far too complex for the remaining time before the GameJam ends.

In version 1.2, you can display the direction of the fountain with the compass. Of course, you have to find the compass before (^_^)

Once you found it, the screen indicate the direction of the fountain. If the arrow move randomly, it indicates that the fountain is not in this island.

(3 edits)

In version 1.1, the collisions has been improved and everything was set up to add sounds and musics.

In the next version, I might add animations while the player moves.

(3 edits)

In version 1.0, the compass and the Fountain of Youth has been added.

If you discover the Fountain of Youth, you achieve the game.

For your information, you must be really lucky if you acheive to finish the game. Without cheating, I couldn't finish it myself (^_^)

In the next version, you could watch the compass which indicate the direction of the Fountain of Youth.

(2 edits)

In version 0.9, the choosen type now affect the gameplay :

  • an Explorer :
    • sails faster than a Soldier or a Botanist
    • consums food more slowly than other types.
  • a Botanist :
    • must found all the food on the island before onboarding for the next one
    • can determine if the food is poisonous (blue crab or violet berry) or not (red crab and berry)

I've also double the number of food that can be carry.

The Soldier and the poisonous food are not implemented yet...

After these 2 features, I'll start to add sounds and music.

The food has been added in the version 0.8.

The game has now an end... but you can only finish it by dying after running out of food (^_^)

(1 edit)

I didn't found enough time to implement all my ideas.

As you could expect from the game description, it seems to be promising. but the island generation (using Perlin noise) and the collisions give me some troubles (and you may experience them while playing).

The game do not have any sound/music and I won't have time to find/add some.

I will try to add the food during the vote period.